The Winery

Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito Winemaking Cooperative

Based on the effort and dream of a large part of the winegrowers in the regions of Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito, this winery is today a modern and visionary company with strong links to the regional business substrate.

There is pride in the wine we produce, the awards we receive, and the many messages that come from thousands of satisfied consumers with our products!

Sala da Casa das Talhas para refeições e eventos. Mesas, cadeiras e bancos em madeira. Três talhas antigas.

Casa das Talhas

“Casa das Talhas” results from the recovery of the ACVCA heritage and fills a need in the territory by having an excellent wine tourism offer. Its concept revolves around “talha wine”, an ancient and traditional technique of wine production. Come and learn more about this technique, taste the wines and get to know its spaces intimately.

Wine Acts

The discovery of the sea route to India, a task completed in May 1498, was marked by several stops and other accounts recorded in the logbook of Vasco de Gama’s voyage report. This was the inspiration to create the 7 “Wine Acts” that the different ranges of wines from Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito Winemaking « Cooperative present. These are a tribute to Vasco da Gama and his voyage of discovery of aromas and flavours.