Wine Month

We are back with the traditional Wine Month during the month of November. This event is comprised of a set of events that take place over four weekends, and are related to the wine festival, in particular, with Carved wine.

November 5th – Opening of Taberna dos Arcos (tavern), in Vila de Frades

Taberna dos Arcos is an enotourism space, integrated in the Enotourism structure of the Cooperative Winery of Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito, located in the Capital of Carved wine, Vila de Frades.
Special wines sprout from the taps of Talhas (clay pots), in one of the oldest taverns in Vila de Frades, whose name is the result of the arches that make up its structure. This tavern, full of small references to millenary traditions, is surrounded by Clay pots, the oldest dating from 1656. This space also has a well that was once used to keep the wines fresh all year round and some museum materials referring to wine production with this ancient technique. On November 5th we reopen this space with a wine tasting of Carved wines and other activities related to the Alentejo singing and tasting of regional snacks.

This event is free, but subject to prior booking.

The space has capacity for about 50 people, but there is ample space outside.

taberna dos arcos mes vinho
taberna dos arcos mes vinho
taberna dos arcos mes vinho

November 11th - São Martinho (Saint Martinho festivity)

The proverb “On São Martinho go to the Wine cellar and taste the wine!” is the motto of the Magusto party at Casa das Talhas. It is the day to open the wine amphoras, enjoy the singing from Alentejo, taste the regional snacks and listen to the crackling of roasted chestnuts. The true essence of Vidigueira, of Carved wine and of our culture is felt and lived during São Martinho festivities!

Event subject to prior booking and availability.
Duration of the party: 6 hours
Capacity: Max. 150 people

10€ vat included at the legal rate in force.

sao martinho mes vinho acvca
sao martinho mês vinho acvca
sao martinho mês vinho acvca

November 19th – Wine Dinner

Casa das Talhas is the stage for the best Alentejo gastronomic pairings. The Wine Month is always marked by a unique and unforgettable dinner, where the true terroir of Vidigueira is present in each tasting. Every year this wine dinner is accompanied by musical entertainment (in the year 2021 we received our ambassador Luis Trigacheiro, the show for 2022 is still to be defined).

Event subject to prior booking
Event duration: 5 hours
Capacity: Max. 100 people

55€ vat included at the legal rate in force.

jantar vinico mes do vinho acvca
jantar vinico mes do vinho acvca
jantar vinico mes do vinho acvca

November 26th – DOC Talha

This is a special event dedicated to Carved wine, in which our wine cellar invites all producers of carved wine certified by the Alentejo Winegrowing Commission (CVRA) to share a tasting space and showcase their products. The event begins with a conference on carving wine and culminates with a tasting of the wines of these producers in a relaxed atmosphere, in Casa das Talhas. If you are a fan of unique carved wines with personality that impacts with each sip, this event is for you! Event subject to prior booking and availability.

Event duration: 6 hours.
Capacity: Max. 100 people

10€ vat included at the legal rate in force

talha doc mes do vinho acvca
talha doc mes do vinho acvca
talha doc mes do vinho acvca