A Adega tem loja física?

Yes. You can check your location and other information, such as opening hours, on the Contacts page.


Onde posso encontrar informações sobre os produtos?

Just click on the image of the product you want and you will be able to see all the information in detail, as well as several photos.

If you want more information, just call or through Contacto:

Telephone: + 351 284 437 240 or + 351 939 190 460

You can also send us a message via Facebook and Instagram.


Os preços incluem taxas e impostos?

Yes. The values ​​shown include all legal fees in force. The final amount, after selecting the desired shipping option, will be the one you will have to pay using the selected method.


Como sei se o produto que quero está disponível?

The Stock of products is updated frequently. If there is a stock break, we will contact you to offer a solution compatible with your expectations.


Já não têm o produto que quero. Vão voltar a ter stock?

It’s possible! If you want more information, just call or through the Contacts page.

Telephone: + 351 284 437 240 or + 351 939 190 460

You can also send us a message via Facebook and Instagram.


Os preços expostos são negociáveis?

The values ​​shown are our best prices.

If you want more information, just call or through Contacto:

Telephone: + 351 284 437 240 or + 351 939 190 460

You can also send us a message via Facebook and Instagram.


Posso oferecer uma encomenda como presente?

Yea! We will use our utmost discretion so that the order is sent as a surprise. We may send you a card with a special message. Just ask!
