460 Liters of Cellar Disinfectant Gel for the Portuguese Red Cross

At the end of April, the Cooperative Wine Cellar of Vidigueira, Cuba and Alvito signed a protocol with the Portuguese Red Cross (CVP).

This protocol had two phases and one mission: Help the CVP by offering Antiseptic Gel produced by the Winery. The first phase was the delivery on April 30th, at the premises of the CVP, of 60 5L bottles of Antiseptic Gel, one for each year of existence of our Winery.

The second phase of the protocol provided for the offer of 1 liter of Antiseptic Gel to the CVP for each pack of 6 bottles of Vidigueira Antão Vaz sold through our channels (cell phone, online store, e-mail, or the winery store), from May 1st until the end of the month. On June 9 we will deliver 160 liters of Antiseptic Gel, representing 157 packs of 6 bottles of Antão Vaz grapevine sold during the course of the action.

The two donations from the protocol reverted to CVP’s #EuAjudoquemAjuda campaign, created as part of the response to the global pandemic of COVID-19.



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